Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy Winter Solstice

22 December 2010 @ My House

It's the once a year thing to eat Tang Yuan again. Yup, it's Winter Solstice.

The roads were so congested and people were driving so recklessly tonight. Yes everyone was rushing home for the dinner with their families but how fast can you go by squeezing into the tiny space between 2 cars? Better be safe than sorry lah peepz...

Okay, back to the story. By the time I reached home, my family just started with the steamboat dinner. Dropped my bags and joined them at the dining table. Yummz!!

Last but not least, we had colourful Tang Yuan for dessert. Nom Nom Nom~ I like Tang Yuan. Wishing all my readers Happy Dong Zhi and may you have a "round" (united) family. 冬至快乐!Billy, out.

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