29 November 2008 @ Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan
TM Amazing Race is similar to what we saw on TV, The Amazing Race; with a little twist of its own. This race is not all about the time. You have to reach each station in time and at the same time, rake as much points as you can in each station.
We woke before dawn for breakfast and got very excited but at the same very nervous, because we're competiting with so many teams!

Before the race starts, there was a speech and opening ceremony to declare the start of the race.

We were all given the clues, questions and part of the directions where we need to head to. But before we ran to our car, let's see the faces of victory. =P
Yea, yea, many people told me already. I'm so lucky to have 3 young ladies in my team. Hehehe...
WoonLee will be the driver while I navigate. ChiaPoh is good in observation and Cheryl knows quite a lot on the history. That's the strategy of our team.
Before we go to our first station for challenge, we had to complete the Drive Hunt first. In the Drive Hunt, we had to use the clues given to look for 10 answers from the sign boards along the road.
Example, clue given "Could it be Drew?", answer is "Angel Girl Laundry". Remember Drew Barrymore was one of the Charlie's Angels, it might be her running the laundry shop. Ha! Not that easy after all.
Our very first challenge in Kota Lukut is to split into groups of 2. Cheryl and WoonLee had to look for information from Kota Lukut while me and ChiaPoh went up the Lukut hill for challenges.
The marshalls passed a rubix cube to me and told us to solve one side. I did it in ONE MINUTE and asked if I'll get extra points if I solve all 6 sides. Too bad the answer is no.

I was the fastest, no doubt. But the next task took us a long long time as we need to take picture of this stupid well [pic below].
I left my phone in the car and so does everyone else. I had to run to find WoonLee to get the car key and rush down to the car park to get the camera and run back up the hill to take the picture. Exhausted!

At the same time, WoonLee and Cheryl needed the Dopod, borrowed from WoonLee's brother-in-law [thanks KKS!], to look for the answers from the Internet.
I subscribed to Celcom Daily Broadband and we use the Dopod to surf for answers. Clever aren't we? =P

Sometimes, we get bonus questions at certain stations. If we were able to answer them correctly, it'll add more points to our total score.
If not for this Dopod, we would have lost a lot of points for not being able to answer most questions. All hail Dopod and Celcom [after all the trouble calling the call centre so many times].
We went through quite a lot of challenges but we were busy racing and didn't take any pictures. We had to blow on the blowpipe [sumpit], eating Negeri Sembilan traditional food with our hands, reciting pantun using Negeri Sembilan's slang, F1 "upih" challenge, water packing challenge, playing batu seremban, telan-ing 6 cili padis can die, playing the caklempong [pic in previous post], shaping a crystal ball and many more...

Towards the end of the race, we went to the ostrich farm. Once again, we divided into 2 groups where ChiaPoh and Cheryl will ride on the poor ostrich...

... while me and WoonLee gotta drink RAW OSTRICH EGG, using a STRAW!!! Anyway, it didn't taste as bad as I thought, tasted like half boiled egg to me. Moreover the egg is very expensive, around RM38 for one. That's why they didn't ask us to drink a lot. =P

Our last 2 stations involved getting wet. First, the four of us had to paddle our way to the sea and return in this kind of raft [pic below]. We were all very tired but no one was giving in along the way. I respect the spirit of my team mates lah.

After that, we head back to Regency Hotel for the finish line. But before that, we had to swallow 4 pieces of Marie biscuits with WASABI and ride on the banana boat which will take us to the finish line.

It was my first time on banana boat and it was fun! We swam to the shore and head towards the finish line!

The final pit stop. We were awarded gold medals for finishing the race and then took a photo with the President of this event.

Ahh, another SS session after the race. The faces of victory... with the medals.

After eating some sandwiches and replenished our body fluid, we walked to the beach to take pictures with the sunset. I suggested some jump shots.
I jumped and landed on the big sea shell right behind me [visible in the pic]. Had a pretty bad cut on my right foot. Since my little foot was bleeding, I head back to my room to clean up and wait for dinner - Survivor's Night.
Did we managed to win the first prize of RM2000 cash + RM2000 worth of prizes? I will reveal in my next post, on the Survivor's Night - BBQ Buffet Dinner. Billy, out.
TM Amazing Race is similar to what we saw on TV, The Amazing Race; with a little twist of its own. This race is not all about the time. You have to reach each station in time and at the same time, rake as much points as you can in each station.
We woke before dawn for breakfast and got very excited but at the same very nervous, because we're competiting with so many teams!

Before the race starts, there was a speech and opening ceremony to declare the start of the race.

We were all given the clues, questions and part of the directions where we need to head to. But before we ran to our car, let's see the faces of victory. =P
Yea, yea, many people told me already. I'm so lucky to have 3 young ladies in my team. Hehehe...
WoonLee will be the driver while I navigate. ChiaPoh is good in observation and Cheryl knows quite a lot on the history. That's the strategy of our team.
Before we go to our first station for challenge, we had to complete the Drive Hunt first. In the Drive Hunt, we had to use the clues given to look for 10 answers from the sign boards along the road.
Example, clue given "Could it be Drew?", answer is "Angel Girl Laundry". Remember Drew Barrymore was one of the Charlie's Angels, it might be her running the laundry shop. Ha! Not that easy after all.
Our very first challenge in Kota Lukut is to split into groups of 2. Cheryl and WoonLee had to look for information from Kota Lukut while me and ChiaPoh went up the Lukut hill for challenges.
The marshalls passed a rubix cube to me and told us to solve one side. I did it in ONE MINUTE and asked if I'll get extra points if I solve all 6 sides. Too bad the answer is no.

I was the fastest, no doubt. But the next task took us a long long time as we need to take picture of this stupid well [pic below].
I left my phone in the car and so does everyone else. I had to run to find WoonLee to get the car key and rush down to the car park to get the camera and run back up the hill to take the picture. Exhausted!

At the same time, WoonLee and Cheryl needed the Dopod, borrowed from WoonLee's brother-in-law [thanks KKS!], to look for the answers from the Internet.
I subscribed to Celcom Daily Broadband and we use the Dopod to surf for answers. Clever aren't we? =P

Sometimes, we get bonus questions at certain stations. If we were able to answer them correctly, it'll add more points to our total score.
If not for this Dopod, we would have lost a lot of points for not being able to answer most questions. All hail Dopod and Celcom [after all the trouble calling the call centre so many times].
We went through quite a lot of challenges but we were busy racing and didn't take any pictures. We had to blow on the blowpipe [sumpit], eating Negeri Sembilan traditional food with our hands, reciting pantun using Negeri Sembilan's slang, F1 "upih" challenge, water packing challenge, playing batu seremban, telan-ing 6 cili padis can die, playing the caklempong [pic in previous post], shaping a crystal ball and many more...

Towards the end of the race, we went to the ostrich farm. Once again, we divided into 2 groups where ChiaPoh and Cheryl will ride on the poor ostrich...

... while me and WoonLee gotta drink RAW OSTRICH EGG, using a STRAW!!! Anyway, it didn't taste as bad as I thought, tasted like half boiled egg to me. Moreover the egg is very expensive, around RM38 for one. That's why they didn't ask us to drink a lot. =P

Our last 2 stations involved getting wet. First, the four of us had to paddle our way to the sea and return in this kind of raft [pic below]. We were all very tired but no one was giving in along the way. I respect the spirit of my team mates lah.

After that, we head back to Regency Hotel for the finish line. But before that, we had to swallow 4 pieces of Marie biscuits with WASABI and ride on the banana boat which will take us to the finish line.

It was my first time on banana boat and it was fun! We swam to the shore and head towards the finish line!

The final pit stop. We were awarded gold medals for finishing the race and then took a photo with the President of this event.

Ahh, another SS session after the race. The faces of victory... with the medals.

After eating some sandwiches and replenished our body fluid, we walked to the beach to take pictures with the sunset. I suggested some jump shots.
I jumped and landed on the big sea shell right behind me [visible in the pic]. Had a pretty bad cut on my right foot. Since my little foot was bleeding, I head back to my room to clean up and wait for dinner - Survivor's Night.
Did we managed to win the first prize of RM2000 cash + RM2000 worth of prizes? I will reveal in my next post, on the Survivor's Night - BBQ Buffet Dinner. Billy, out.
manyak manyak questions to ask neh.... =p
i don't c what's the connection between that Drew clue and the Laundry answer...=.=
raw ostrich egg...eeewww~~.. mana boleh makan one... glad they are expensive..no need waste such money to makan....eeewwwww.... u ate ostrich~~~
eh..only one day race nia?? cheh..i tot few days.... racing smore can take pictures here n there to blog...
what if hor, someone drive BMW or sports car, then drive also drive faster lor..? no fair one...=p
somemore u can use dopod..allowed one ka... then those abit *bodoh one... ma lose lor.... no fair...kaka...
u too free to think of so many questions ah?
Drew Barrymore is one of the actress in Charlie Angels. The name of the shop is Angel Girl. So, the clue "Could it be Drew?" is asking could it be Drew Barrymore operating the Angel Girl Laundry shop? Understand?
You should try the raw ostrich egg.. it's nice, taste like half boiled egg. I didn't eat ostrich, just the egg la...
Yes, the race is from 7.30am to 6pm. And one day is tired enough lor...
I said in my post already, the team that collect most points win. Not the fastest team wins... =.= [orang nie tak bace punyer]
The organizer didn't state any rules for the race. So that means we can use lah... We clever mah.. =P
Nah, answered all your questions lah...
Hey... aiyo..regret i didnt take part with you all la... so fun
Hmmm...where did i hear "cili padi can die" before ah?? Haha
But seriously salute you for the rubix cube lor...if i had been there, i think i'll still be standing there till today trying to solve ONE side!! =)
Angel Girl is a laundry?i tot it's a saloon...
so nice to have u all as my teammates..and i will definitely wan to take part again next yeaR!!haa..
yesh... i'm so freaking free and blogs are the fastest website that i can access using dial up..kakaka...
Err.. Still don't get it... NVM...lol...
Egg is the begining stage to turn to an ostrich ma.. u eat the egg adi ma no ostrich adi lor..bluek...
i ada baca one la... just didn't relate that to ur tat point oni ma...but then ppl faster then got more time to think ma got more points to get lor....=p
i duno wat to ask adi.. but then ntg to ask i yau ntg to do adi.............
oh...AND WHY YOU CAN REPLY WHEN YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE WORKING??? somemore is 10minutes after i comment... kesian itu TM hire u la...rugi saje.... bluek...
nevermind, nevermind...
Still got chance to take part in other treasure hunts or next year's amazing race.. =D
can die.com is the latest trend.. that's why it sounded familiar to you. =P
Hehe.. thanks.. but I think you'll just take the penalty points and leave that place lah, instead of sitting there forever to solve. I saw some teams did that though..
yup it's laundry...
Yeaa~~ we're a very strong team! =)
aiyo.. another long comment.. @_@
I think you never watch Charlie's Angel... =.="
At work also can check check my blog punya mah... I see got comment mah reply lor.. =P
Dearest Will,
Dont bluff me...can-die.com comes from someone you are very close to. *ahem ahem* mua!
We go for the REAL Amazing Race ok? Haha =)
Dearest Julez,
Yes, yes, it's from YOU! haha.. =P
Okie.. Let's take part in the next season. =D
Wow, congrats for the gold medal!
Haha... I think give me 1 whole day I also can't solve the Rubix Cube XD
everybody gets a gold medal lah.. haha.. no big deal =P
you can actually learn how to solve the cube in youtube!! That's where I learn lah.. hehe.. =)
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