14 September 2008 @ Bukit Larut, Perak
It was the second last day of our HSBB Induction Course and it was another team building day. Activity of the day is to hike up Bukit Larut [used to known as Maxwell Hill].

We walked for about 12km up the hill... and another 12km down the hill.... It's a long long road~~

Along the way, we talked to other participants. Took photo with members from my treasure hunt group.

After hiking for about half the distance, our group started to break up as some people walked faster while others trailed at the back.
As we go higher, the temperature starting to drop too. Beautiful flowers can be seen along the side of the road and also at the little flower plantation towards the peak of the hill.

There're quite a lot of different types of hibiscus.

We didn't reach the peak of the hill [1250m]. We stopped at the little cafe cum flower plantation I mentioned earlier. It should be around 1100m above sea level.

Out of a sudden, we saw this guy... looks exactly like Raja Petra! But shouldn't be him because he was detained by ISA the day before and wasn't released yet. Raja Petra? or look-alike?

Then we took photos at the little park and playground.

After we saw so many flora, it's time to see some fauna... First we saw a tortoise about 25cm long.

... and of course a lot of monyets.

When we reached back Multimedia College, it's around 4.30pm already. We can barely walk after that and everyone either walk like a penguin or a duck the next day. =P
I can't believe a small hill like this has a path much longer than Mount Kinabalu, the tallest mountain in South East Asia.
But if you really like hiking, this is a good place for you to go. Feel like conquering another mountain now. Hehe... Billy, out.
It was the second last day of our HSBB Induction Course and it was another team building day. Activity of the day is to hike up Bukit Larut [used to known as Maxwell Hill].

We walked for about 12km up the hill... and another 12km down the hill.... It's a long long road~~

Along the way, we talked to other participants. Took photo with members from my treasure hunt group.

After hiking for about half the distance, our group started to break up as some people walked faster while others trailed at the back.
As we go higher, the temperature starting to drop too. Beautiful flowers can be seen along the side of the road and also at the little flower plantation towards the peak of the hill.

Don't ask me the names of the flowers, I don't know.

There're quite a lot of different types of hibiscus.

We didn't reach the peak of the hill [1250m]. We stopped at the little cafe cum flower plantation I mentioned earlier. It should be around 1100m above sea level.

Out of a sudden, we saw this guy... looks exactly like Raja Petra! But shouldn't be him because he was detained by ISA the day before and wasn't released yet. Raja Petra? or look-alike?

Then we took photos at the little park and playground.

After we saw so many flora, it's time to see some fauna... First we saw a tortoise about 25cm long.

... and of course a lot of monyets.

When we reached back Multimedia College, it's around 4.30pm already. We can barely walk after that and everyone either walk like a penguin or a duck the next day. =P
I can't believe a small hill like this has a path much longer than Mount Kinabalu, the tallest mountain in South East Asia.
But if you really like hiking, this is a good place for you to go. Feel like conquering another mountain now. Hehe... Billy, out.