Thursday, July 20, 2006

Life Sucks without Internet

For the past 2 weeks, I have been experiencing frequent disconnection of the Internet. At first I thought it was all "TM Nutz"'s fault. But since last week, we (me and my housemates) found out that it was the modem that is creating the problem. So, for the last 7 days, I was totally disconnected from the "outside world" (THE MIGHTY INTERNET). Hehehe.. It really sucks when you have things to do and mails to check. Most importantly, I miss all the chatting with my friends. Hahaha =P Well well, I have no choice but to use my free time between lectures to go to the lab to online. Poor me~~

Finally, I am able to go online again starting today! Thanks to my friend, Alfred who drives my housemates to The Mines to buy a new modem. Phew~ I don't know how to live my life any longer without Internet. Hehe..

Flash Workshop & Game Design Workshop

As kuan has summarized in his
blog, me (only actually) has officially started my duty as a HR Manager. I am very happy with the response by the members. I never thought I can get all the positions for both events filled within 2 days. Thanks to all the participating members. Now, I hope that all the organizing committees can work together very well to make these events sucessful. =D

For those who are interested in participating in the workshops, so check out the details from the
GDC website.

National Mathematics Competition 2006
Calling all maths experts. Don't miss this oportunity to prove yourself. Join the National Mathematics Competition 2006 now!! The winner of this competition will get RM1000 cash + gold certificate. For more information, click

Hope you guys don't mind a bit of advertisement here. Hehehe.. =P Billy, out.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Crazee Days

There are actually so many things to write because so many things happened but I think I'll just sumarize everything in one post. It all started on Thursday night...

Alfred, Eddie and Solid went all the way to MidValley Megamall right after class to buy the board games RISK and Cluedo. Gee, I don't know what to say... So, when they came back, of course we played the games. 6 players, 2 board games. We started with 2 rounds of Cluedo (a detective game) and then one round of Risk (war game) (pic). We finish at around 6am and I won the game of Risk. Yippee!!

Woke up around 1pm to study for the Object-Oriented Programming lab test. Went home after test at 11pm.

10am: Left my house
11am: Redbox in Sunway Pyramid with my UTAR friends
3pm: Ice-skating in Sunway Pyramid [too bad no pictures of this]
4pm: Left Pyramid
5pm: Reach Midvalley Megamall to meet another friend who can't make it to Sunway Pyramid. Window-shopping for a while then decided to eat at Manhattan Fish Market. (pic) Actually we just wanted to find somewhere to sit and chit-chat. So, we ordered a dish and sat there for almost one hour. After that, we walked around and took some stupid pictures. Then decided to go mamak "yum cha".
10pm: Reached SS2 mamak but it was too packed. So, we went to Starbucks in Section 14, PJ instead (pic). Each of us ordered a drink and talk and talk and talk and take pictures and talk and talk and talk until midnight.
1am: Reached home safetly.
Total spent: RM76. A lot or less? I don't know but I was very happy to be able to spend great moments with my friends. =D

Do nothing much actually. Sleep till very late because I was very tired. Reached back Cyberjaya at 10pm and played another round of Risk. This is the second time I play this game and I won again. How lucky! Hehe...

My mouth is drooling with my eyes looking at the "siew pau". Can't wait to eat them. Hehe.. "Siew pau" feast time. Billy, out.

Thursday, July 13, 2006


This post will be about GDC AGM which stands for the Annual General Meeting for Game Developers' Club. Phew.. A long name. I guess there will be at least 3 people writing their blog about this event. All new bloggers, sure hardworking to blog more lah. Hahaha...

So, it all started when the hi-comms gather at the venue around 7pm something to do some preparations. Getting ready the power point slides, hanging the banner and chit-chatting around. Until around 7.45pm when the members started pouring in. I was hoping that at least 100 members will turn up (I know it's not going to happen =P), but there are around 50 members who attended the meeting. I think the response is not bad lah, about 25% of our total members leh~

The meeting started with a simple introduction to the GDC's president and vice presidents. Then continues with the talks by the three of them about the upcoming events and so on. I wasn't really concentrating on what they are talking about because I was too busy taking the attendance of the members. And after that, I gotta distribute the survey forms to them. Luckily Alfred was there to help me out and everything was done at the same time as the the president and vices finish on their talks. Phew~

Next up, a simple ice breaking game. John divided the people into 4 groups. Game programmer, Game Artist, Game Designer and the Consumers (Gamers). The game designers were supposed to find their own team comprising programmers and artist to create a game that they think that it's marketable. Then, the consumers will be the judge to give points ranging 0 to 10 to each team. All 5 teams put in a lot of creativity and cool ideas into their game. The teams were given only 10 minutes to think of a game and 3 minutes to present their ideas. In that short amount of time, all sorts of ideas spurs out, MMORPG, 2-players RPG, WarGame and etc. Eventually, the team "Ancient" (pic) won with their idea of a 2-player RPG. I think that it will be quite an interesting game to play as it has a lot of player-and-player communication. That will add a lot of fun to the game. And they won themselves an original game called "Lords of Everquest". The meeting ended around 11pm.

Gee.. My eyes can barely open now. I'm drop dead tired. Billy, out.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The First Post

Finally... I have finally opened my very first blog. Have been reading other people's blog for some time. Always wanted to open one but drag and drag until now. time constraint? laziness? I don't know but finally I got my own blog. Woo-hoo~ Probably because the people around me started to blog too. Hehehe...

So what's up recently? Nothing much happened really. Just sprained my ankle on Monday when I play basketball with a bunch of friends. Since then, I have been limping everywhere I go. It's kinda obvious I guess. I think it's getting better today as it's not as painful as yesterday. Bought some mediacation and bandage at Watson's, Alamanda just now to wrap up by foot. It's kinda tight and my foot can hardly breathe.

Well, well, talking about Alamanda.. Went there with Kuan and Min Bee to stock up some stuffs. But before buying anything, we had trouble deciding where to eat our dinner. Went to McDonald's, Secret Recipe, and finally decided to eat at Pizza Hut. Ordered a 4 person set meal and basically me and Kuan had to eat almost everything because Min Bee ate 2 slices of pizzas only (oh.. and a bowl of soup). Gee.. I'm damn full now. Still got a piece of Secret Recipe's cheesecake in the fridge waiting to get into my stomach. =P

I think that's all for my first post here. Just wanna remind all GDC members that the GDC AGM will be held tonight 8pm at XR1002. Billy, out.
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